Michaels Trading Store 

Retro Style Metal Signs

Visit Michaels Trading Store Etsy Store to contact us and for product updates 

Michaels Trading Store was created a few months after the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world...

Just like millions of other people around the globe, I found myself out of work on March 23rd 2020, my clients in the UK, had their own problems to deal with.

A very difficult time for everybody indeed. Well, I gave it a lot of thought and looked at what I do (or did) for a living and compared that to what I would 'Like' to do for a living. After a lot of research and soul-searching I opted to open up my own online store on various platforms. 

So, Michaels Trading Store was born offering household decor and design products, usually a bit different to what you might generally find. 

Welcome to my online store, I hope you enjoy my products. Be sure to visit my Etsy Store